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Leslye Headland
Jason Sudeikis, Alison Brie, Adam Scott
Leslye Headland

A good-natured womanizer and a serial cheater form a platonic relationship that helps reform them in ways, while a mutual attraction sets in.

Rated R.

Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
English DTS-HD MA 5.1
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 101 min.
Price: $16.99
Release Date: 1/5/2016

• None


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Sleeping With Other People [Blu-Ray] (2015)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (October 8, 2023)

On the surface, 2015’s Sleeping With Other People appears to offer a pretty standard rom-com. And you know what? Beneath the surface, that turns into the case as well.

Back in 2002, college students Jake (Jason Sudeikis) and Lainey (Alison Brie) hook up under unusual circumstances. 13 years later, they reconnect when they bump into each other at a group session for people with relationship/romantic issues.

It turns out that Lainey inevitably cheats on her boyfriends, and Jake just sleeps around in general. Despite their past – and Jake’s attempts to get her into the sack again – Lainey thinks they should maintain a platonic situation. We follow their relationship and see whether or not they ever embrace a more romantic path.

If you’ve seen many – or really any - romantic comedies, you know where the tale will go. The big question becomes whether or not Sleeping does enough to maintain our attention as we await its inevitable finale.

The answer is “not really”. While it remains watchable, Sleeping fails to muster enough wit, romance and charm to deliver a winning take on its genre.

Part of the problem stems from its derivative nature, as Sleeping liberally borrows from references. It makes some lifts from The Graduate nearly literal, and it takes heavily from When Harry Met Sally as well.

Man, does Sleeping echo that Rob Reiner hit! Tons of similarities arise, and these feel awfully blatant. I can’t imagine those behind Sleeping weren’t aware of how much they “borrowed” from Sally and other films.

Another concern stems from the depiction of events, as the relationships in Sleeping never feel especially true. While the movie plays matters seriously, I couldn’t help but become reminded of They Came Together, a not-especially-good parody of rom-coms from a couple of years prior to this one.

Sleeping embraces genre clichés in a less ironic way but it maintains the phony feel of Together, and that becomes an issue. The dialogue and interactions lack a sense of realism, so the whole thing starts to feel like unintentional parody - Sleeping just can’t maintain a realistic enough tone to get the viewer to invest.

Not that this makes it a painless experience. The movie comes with a good cast, and they deliver just enough charm to keep us mildly interested.

But that’s about the best I can say for the film. Even with its trite story, Sleeping With Other People could’ve been a decent update on the When Harry Met Sally template. Instead, it seems forced and lazy.

The Disc Grades: Picture B+/ Audio B-/ Bonus F

Sleeping With Other People appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 2.35:1 on this Blu-Ray Disc. The transfer seemed solid.

Sharpness worked fine. A few soft wider shots occurred, but the majority of the movie felt accurate and well-defined.

Jagged edges and shimmering didn’t interfere, and edge haloes remained absent. I saw no print flaws.

In terms of palette, the movie opted for a generally teal and amber/orange feel. The hues went with a subdued impression and seemed appropriate given those parameters.

Blacks were dark and dense, while shadows showed positive clarity. The image held up well.

No one expects sonic fireworks from a rom-com like Sleeping, and the film’s DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack provided the low-key experience I anticipated. Music showed nice stereo imaging, but effects remained restrained.

The mix presented decent environmental information but nothing more. This meant it used the side and rear speakers in a fairly passive manner.

Audio quality appeared fine. Speech appeared natural and concise, while music was smooth and warm.

Effects didn’t have much to do, but they were acceptably accurate and full. All of this was enough for a “B-“.

How did the Blu-ray compare to the DVD version? The lossless audio showed a bit more range but both came with similarly mediocre soundscapes.

Visuals offered a nice boost, as the Blu-ray seemed better defined and came with superior colors and blacks. This turned into an appealing upgrade.

Sleeping comes completely devoid of extras. It doesn’t even include previews!

If one hopes to get a clever update on the romantic comedy, one won’t find it in Sleeping With Other People. The movie musters basic entertainment but lacks creativity and depth. The Blu-ray provides strong picture and adequate audio but it lacks any supplements. A good cast makes me want to like Sleeping but the end result disappoints.

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