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Adam McKay
Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd
Writing Credits:
Will Ferrell, Adam McKay

In the 1970s, an anchorman's stint as San Diego's top-rated newsreader encounters a challenge when an ambitious newswoman becomes his co-anchor.

Box Office:
$26 million.
Opening Weekend
$28,416,365 on 3091 screens.
Domestic Gross

Rated PG-13.

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Dolby Vision
English DTS-HD MA 5.1
English Audio Description
Spanish Dolby 5.1
French Dolby 5.1
German Dolby 5.1
Italian Dolby 5.1
Japanese Dolby 5.1
Supplements Subtitles:

Runtime: 94 min.
Price: $25.99
Release Date: 7/2/24

Blu-Ray One:
• Extended Version of Film
• Audio Commentary with Director Adam McKay and Actors Will Ferrell, Lou Rawls, Andy Richter, Kyle Gass, Paul Rudd, David Koechner and Christina Applegate
• Deleted and Extended Scenes
• Bloopers
• Music Video
• “ESPN Audition”
Blu-ray Two:
• “Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie”
• “Intro-Commentary” with Will Ferrell and Aaron Zimmerman
• Award Speech
• Raw Footage “Good Takes”
• “Afternoon Delight” Recording Session
• “Happy Birthday AMC Loews”
• Interviews
• Specials
• Cast Auditions
• Table Read
• Rehearsals
• Playback Video
• Commercial Break
• Trailers and TV Spot
• “Ron’s Personal Diary”


-LG OLED65C6P 65-Inch 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED TV
-Marantz SR7010 9.2 Channel Full 4K Ultra HD AV Surround Receiver
-Sony UBP-X700 4K Ultra HD Dolby Vision Blu-ray Player
-Chane A2.4 Speakers
-SVS SB12-NSD 12" 400-watt Sealed Box Subwoofer


Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgandy [4K UHD] (2004)

Reviewed by Colin Jacobson (June 25, 2024)

With 2004’s Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, we get a period comedy from Will Ferrell. Set in the 1970s, the flick takes us to San Diego to meet TV newsman Ron Burgundy (Ferrell), the top dog in the market.

We also get to know his cohorts: sportscaster Champ Kind (David Koechner), weatherman Brick Tamland (Steve Carrell) and street reporter Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd). As the top-rated news team in San Diego, they love their lives.

Trouble in paradise arrives when Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate) joins the squad in the name of diversity. She poses a threat to the guys, though they all try to bag the sexy babe. Ron succeeds, as against all odds, Veronica falls for him as well.

At this point the pair date, although Veronica worries it’ll affect her reputation in the industry. Both aspire to become network anchors, though a glass ceiling stands in Veronica’s way.

However, when Ron misses a broadcast, Veronica fills in for him – and does great. The rest of the movie follows their competition and its impact on their relationship.

As with 2006’s Talladega Nights, this collaboration between Ferrell and director Adam McKay offers an awfully inconsistent piece. Both films share a lot of similarities.

They give us broad, dim-witted lead characters whose dopiness causes most of their problems. Arrogant and self-absorbed, their lack of awareness leads to their stumbles – and most of the attempts at humor.

I didn’t think a lot of Talladega on first viewing, but I enjoyed it much more during subsequent screenings. I hoped that meant I’d like Anchorman when seen again.

However, after a few repeat encounters, I still rate Anchorman as moderately amusing but not anything particularly memorable. In comparison with Talladega, I think Anchorman feels a bit more self-indulgent.

A little too high-concept for its own good, it often comes across like a collection of non sequitors packed into a movie. The flick lacks a lot of coherence as it stumbles from one gag to another.

Much of the time Anchorman feels a bit like an extended SNL sketch since Ron comes across as that sort of character. The movie mixes elements together without a lot of connection.

Essentially, it’s a melange of ideas without great direction. Really, the flick finds it hard to expand the lead character beyond buffoonish skit status.

Don’t take this to mean that Anchorman lacks entertainment value. We get the usual excellent cast, though it pours on a few too many cameos.

I won’t reveal all of the participants, but we find a lot of big names, and this gets a little old. It seems like the flick relies too much on these bits to carry it, so the technique turns into a mild distraction.

None of this makes Anchorman an unpleasant experience, as it provides moderate amusement and keeps us generally entertained as it runs. It fails to stick with me, though, and just doesn’t make much of an impact. This is a decent movie but not a very good one.

Footnote: be sure to stick through the finish of the end credits for a little bonus sequence.

The Disc Grades: Picture B+/ Audio B-/ Bonus A

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy appears in an aspect ratio of approximately 1.85:1 on this 4K UHD Disc. The movie provided a solid Dolby Vision transfer.

For the most part, sharpness succeeded. A little softness crept into a few shots, but those instances occurred infrequently so the majority of the flick appeared acceptably concise and distinctive.

No issues with jagged edges or shimmering popped up, and edge haloes remained absent. The movie boasted a good layer of grain and it lacked print flaws.

Anchorman went with a garish Seventies-influenced palette. We found loud oranges, greens and browns throughout the movie, all of which looked positive within the design.

The colors seemed accurate and pretty bold. HDR added range and impact to the tones as well.

Blacks felt deep and dense while shadows came across as smooth and clear. This became a satisfying presentation.

As for the DTS-HD MA 5.1 soundtrack of Anchorman, it presented a typical “comedy mix”. The material largely focused on the forward channels. Music showed decent stereo spread, and some general ambience crept up on the sides.

Not a lot of activity occurred, so don’t expect much pizzazz from the soundscape. The surrounds expanded a bit during a fight segment and a crowd scene opened things up as well, but otherwise they offered little.

At least audio quality seemed good. Music sounded lively and full, while effects followed along the same lines.

Those elements seemed accurate and clear. Speech also appeared natural and crisp, though a little edginess marred a few lines. This was a perfectly acceptable track though nothing strong enough to merit a grade above a “B-“.

How did the 4K UHD compare with the 2013 “Rich Mahogany Edition” Blu-ray? Both sported identical lossless audio.

However, the 4K’s Dolby Vision image marked a considerable upgrade over the spotty BD. It appeared better defined and more natural, without the BD’s print flaws and with superior blacks/colors. The BD seemed spotty so the 4K turned into a nice step up in visual quality.

Note that the 2013 release duplicated the movie disc from the original 2011 Blu-ray. As such, comparisons between the 4K and the 2011 disc are the same as comparisons between the 4K and “Rich Mahogany”.

One potential negative: as I’ll discuss later in the review, the Blu-rays include both theatrical and extended cuts of Anchroman, whereas the 4K only boasts the “PG-13” version that made it to the big screen.

The 4K disc includes no extras, but the set’s Blu-ray copy duplicates the two platters from “Rich Mahogany”. On BD One, we begin with an audio commentary from director Adam McKay, actors Will Ferrell, Andy Richter, Kyle Gass, Paul Rudd, David Koechner and Christina Applegate, and musician Lou Rawls.

Only McKay and Ferrell participate for the entire running, screen-specific track. The others come and go along the way.

If you’ve heard the comedic commentaries from Ferrell, McKay, etc. for flicks like Talladega Nights, you’ll have an idea what to expect here. At the start, Ferrell and McKay explore the limits of the “unrated” commentary, as they discuss what kinds of obscenities they can and cannot use.

From there, Richter and Gass pop into the session; they had nothing to do with the film, and they’re “bitter” so they start a fight. Rudd joins on the phone and gets involved in the antagonism. Once they leave, Rawls enters.

He also played no part in the flick, but he sounds good, so he chats with McKay and Ferrell. Koechner shows up for a while to complain that he didn’t get enough screentime, and Applegate later phones into to gripe that no one invited her to the recording session.

As with the Talladega tracks, this one can be hit or miss. To be sure, you’ll not learn a damned thing about the movie’s creation.

The commentary plays everything strictly for laughs, and it often achieves its goal. Some tedious moments come along the way – the opening discussion of obscenity threatens never to end – but the track is usually fun and reasonably amusing.

As mentioned earlier, the Blu-ray allows you to choose between the film’s theatrical and extended versions. The former runs 1:34:06, while the latter goes for 1:37:24.

Nothing major separates the two, as the unrated extended cut basically adds a bit more profanity and crude material. Still, it acts as my preferred version, even if it doesn’t change a lot.

Next comes a collection of bloopers. This seven-minute, 46-second compilation offers the usual assortment of goofs and giggles, but it works better than most. It throws in plenty of improv bits and gives us a lot of amusement.

The movie’s main characters reunite for an “Afternoon Delight” Music Video (3:50). Ferrell and the others perform and create an intentionally – and amusingly – hokey clip for the tune. It’s a fun addition.

Dated “August 24, 1979”, Ron Burgundy’s ESPN Audition lasts one minute, 55 seconds. Ferrell throws out a lot of sports related lines and makes a decent show for himself.

36 Deleted and Extended Scenes fill a total of 53 minutes, 56 seconds. Some of these extend existing scenes; these include a revelation about the Vince Vaughn character.

We get a lot more about Baxter’s disappearance, some alternate endings, and a quick turn from Joe Flaherty as Veronica’s prior boss. The “Scenes” include a lot of good material.

With that, we head to Blu-ray Two, where the main attraction comes from a “lost movie”: Wake Up, Ron Burgundy. This runs one hour, 32 minutes, 55 seconds and provides a “new” tale made up of excised plot lines, deleted scenes and alternate takes.

Mostly it follows the same narrative as the final film – with an emphasis on Ron/Veronica – but we also find a subplot with a radical group called “The Alarm Clock”. We’re accustomed to collections of deleted scenes, but it’s definitely unusual to find them assembled into an alternate film.

I’m not sure Wake Up works as a standalone product. Actually, I suspect that if you saw it without having viewed Anchorman, it’d make little sense.

But since virtually no one would do that, it becomes a fun way to watch all that unused footage, even if some elements contradict themselves – or does Ron get fired twice? I’m glad the final film left out the Alarm Clock subplot.

It’s amusing and lets us see folks like Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph, but it doesn’t fit well with the rest of the tale. Still, Wake Up is an awfully cool addition to the package.

We can view Wake Up with or without an intro-commentary from Will Ferrell and “Aaron Silverman” – who may or may not be Adam McKay in character. This acts as a commentary that covers only the first 12 minutes, 50 seconds of the film.

During that span, Ferrell mostly questions what “Silverman” – who claims to be the “third-credited executive producer” - did on the production. It offers some amusement.

Under PSA, we find five clips that fill a total of three minutes, 41 seconds. These provide “public service announcements” from Ron Burgundy on topics like drugs and hippies. They offer reasonable amusement.

With Award Speech, we get a three-minute, 12-second segment with two versions of the scene in which Ron accepts a prize for his work. Expect the usual goofiness in this enjoyable snippet.

A slew of Raw Footage appears next. Subtitled “Good Takes”, this collects 27 clips for a total of 39 minutes, 26 seconds of material. This area gives us a slew of alternate takes and lines.

At times, it veers into blooper reel territory. However, it usually offers a cool look at comedic concepts that didn’t make the cut.

Next comes the ”Afternoon Delight” Recording Session. It lasts two minutes, 58 seconds and shows the actors as they tape their vocals for the song. While more about joking around than anything else, it still provides some fun.

Created as an “in-house” piece, Happy Birthday AMC Loews fills three minutes, 15 seconds. Ron congratulates the chain on their 100 years of existence in this entertaining reel that also includes some outtakes.

Three segments show up under Interviews, as we get chats with Rebecca Romijn (3:37), Jim Caviezel (3:24) and Burt Reynolds (3:12). Created for the 2004 MTV Movie Awards, these feature chats between Ron Burgundy and the above-named actors.

All offer enjoyment, though the Romijn piece is probably the best of the bunch.

Specials contains three pieces. “Cinemax: The Making of Anchorman” runs nine minutes, 29 seconds and includes comments from Ferrell, McKay, Rudd, Applegate, producer Judd Apatow, and actor Fred Willard.

We get notes about the inspirations for the flick, story and characters, cast and performances, and the atmosphere on the set. In terms of content, “Making” exists to promote the film.

It tells us little about the actual production. However, some outtakes and audition tapes pop up along the way, so those make it worth a look.

With the eight-minute, 31-second “Comedy Central Reel Comedy: Anchorman”, we find journalist Bill Kurtis as he chats with Ron, Brian, and Veronica in separate sessions. All that unique materials makes this a delightful addition to the set.

“A Conversation with Ron Burgundy” goes for 10 minutes and 41 seconds. Led by Kurtis in front of a live audience, this again puts Ferrell in character for an interview. It follows a predictably goofy course that creates a lot of nice laughs.

Within Cast Auditions, we find eight clips for a total of 13 minutes, three seconds. These offer footage of Christina Applegate, David Koechner, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, Fred Armisen, Maya Rudolph, Kevin Corrigan and Justin Long.

All are great to see. (Note that the roles portrayed by Long, Rudolph and Corrigan only appear in Wake Up.)

“Alternate Universe” also shows another four minutes, 38 seconds of auditions. The twist comes from the appearance of various actors in roles they didn’t play, so we see Koechner as “Brick”, Carell as “Fantana”, Armisen as “Arturo Mendez”, Rudolph as “Veronica” and Amy Poehler as “Veronica”.

These show that the producers cast the film correctly, as most of these performers would’ve been wrong for the parts. Only Poehler and Armisen could’ve done fine in the roles.

From June 2, 2003, a Table Read covers six scenes and lasts a total of 18 minutes, 37 seconds. As expected, we see the cast go through the script in a group session.

Of particular interest, we hear some lines that aren’t in the film, and we also see different actors as Brian and Brick. It’s unclear if the roles were later recast or if Rudd and Carell simply weren’t able to make the session. In any case, this is a fun addition.

More early footage comes from the nine minutes, nine seconds of Rehearsals. This features Ferrell, Rudd, Carell and Koechner as they go through an alternate cannibalism scene that shows up in Wake Up.

We also see that crew plus Applegate and Fred Willard for other material. Once again, we find some good glimpses behind the scenes, especially when the actors engage in improv.

Playback Video goes for five minutes, 10 seconds and shows different remote reports from Brick, Champ and Brian. We check out various location elements around San Diego in these entertaining clips.

In the two-minute, four-second Commercial Break, we get a series of short clips. These give us a mix of little behind the scenes tidbits. They’re not substantial, but they’re interesting curiosities.

BD Two closes with some ads. We get both teaser and theatrical trailers as well as one TV Spot. Called “Trounced Spider-Man”, the TV promo claims that Anchorman topped Spider-Man 2 even though the former hadn’t opened yet. It‘s the most fun of the bunch.

A spotty and inconsistent comedy, Anchorman presents a decent number of laughs. The flick never quite connects, though, as it’s too up and down to keep us truly entertained much of the time. The 4K UHD presents very good picture and acceptable audio along with a stellar package of bonus materials. This turns into the best rendition of the film yet to hit home video.

To rate this film, visit the DVD review of ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGANDY

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