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›› Crossing Delancey: Criterion Collection [Blu-Ray]
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This Week's Attractions

Constantine [4K UHD] CONSTANTINE [4K UHD] (2005)
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Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz. Warner, $29.99, 2/18/2025.
Detective Angela Dodson approaches demon hunter John Constantine to help her investigate her twin sister's mysterious death. As he digs deeper, he realizes that demons are trying to enter the human world.

Panic Room [4K UHD] Nosferatu (2024) [4K UHD] Uncle Buck [4K UHD] Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim [4K UHD] Drugstore Cowboy: Criterion Collection [4K UHD] Humanoids From the Deep [4K UHD]

Bulletin: Week of 2/16/25 - 2/22/25

TERROR IS A MAN [BLU-RAY] (1959): "Although it doesn’t excel, Terror Is a Man nonetheless fares much better than one might expect from a low-budget 1950s horror flick. With solid photography and a somber tone, the film connects in a reasonably positive manner." Starring Francis Lederer, Greta Thyssen, $39.95, 3/25/2025.

FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2: FRIDAY THE 13TH COLLECTION [BLU-RAY] (1981): "Like many sequels, Friday the 13th Part 2 does little more than remake its predecessor. However, it does so in a satisfying way, as it presents a discernibly more dynamic and visceral experience." Starring Amy Steel, John Furey. Shout, $159.98, 10/13/2020.

CONSTANTINE [4K UHD] (2005): "Like many, I’d never heard of the Constantine character until this movie hit screens. I don’t know how the film compares with the comics on which it’s based, but the flick provides a pretty entertaining and intriguing experience on its own." Starring Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz. Warner, $29.99, 2/18/2025.

CARS 3 [4K UHD] (2017): "As the third entry in the franchise, Cars 3 feels a bit flat and without real purpose. While it still keeps us moderately entertained, the film simply lacks great wit or spirit." Starring Owen Wilson, Cristela Alonzo. Disney, $39.99, 11/7/2017.

LAST STAND AT SABER RIVER [BLU-RAY] (1997): "Taken from an early Elmore Leonard novel, Last Stand at Saber River provides a competent Western and nothing more. While it remains wholly watchable, nothing about it ever stands out as memorable or creative." Starring Tom Selleck, Suzy Amis. Warner, $21.99, 1/28/2025.

THE FLORIDA PROJECT [BLU-RAY] (2017): "As an essentially plot-free look at life on the economic margins, The Florida Project can frustrate due to its loose nature. However, it comes with enough natural drama to make it moderately compelling." Starring Brooklynn Prince, Bria Vinaite. Lionsgate, $24.99, 2/20/2018.

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Colin Jacobson (Publisher, Webmaster and Reviewer): colinjacobson@dvdmg.com

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